The UHQ-4P is a chilled mirror hygrometer that is designed for measuring elevated dew points, such as those found in fuel cell and combustion applications Using technology developed for the CR-1A, CR-2 and CR-3, this instrument is unique because it does not use TE coolers to cool the mirror and thus is extremely fast and can handle very high temperatures. The UHQ-4P can measure dew point up to 150°C at pressures up to 150 psia (10 bar). It can display %RH with an optional ambient temperature sensor. The UHQ-4P is designed to measure in hydrogen, air and most non-corrosive gases at pressures ranging from near vacuum to up to 150 psia (10 bar).
UHQ-4P Specifications:
Dew Point Range: ambient to 150°C *
50°C Depression
Resolution: 0.01°C
Accuracy: ±0.2°C
Sample Flow Rate: 0.1 to 0.5 liters/min
Sample Pressure: 0 to 150 psia
0 to 10v and 4-20 mA Scaleable Analog Output
RS232 Serial I/O
Dimensions: 8x10x10 inches
Power Requirement: 24vdc @ 3 amps or 110 – 240 vac @ 50 – 400Hz
*Dependent upon ambient temperature