The CR-5 is a chilled mirror hygrometer that uses a 3-stage thermoelectric cooler (TEC) to enable frost point measurements of as low as 60 °C, under favorable ambient conditions. It is configured as a transmitter module with an external sensor connected by cable up to 9 feet in length.
Depending upon ambient temperature, the CR-5 can measure dew points as high as 60 °C and can display moisture concentration (ppmv or lbs/MMscf) with optional pressure sensor or %RH with optional ambient temperature sensor. Both of these require the optional LCD display The CR-4 is designed to measure in air and most non-corrosive gases at pressures ranging from near vacuum to up to 100 psia.
CR-5 Specifications:
3 Stage TE Cooler
Dew/Frost Range: – 60 to 60°C *
85°C Depression
Resolution: 0.01°C
Accuracy: ±0.5°C, optionally ±0.2°C
Sample Flow Rate: 0.25 to 3 liters/min
Sample Pressure: 0 to 100 psia
Isolated 4-20 mA Scaleable Analog Output with one 3A Relay output
RS232 Serial I/O
Dimensions: 7.5×8.5×3 inches, transmitter / 6.5×2.5×2.5 inches, sensor
Power Requirement: 24vdc @ 2 amps or 110 – 240 vac @ 50 – 400Hz
*Dependent upon ambient temperature